What time is the Carnival Procession?

There will be “Rolling Road Closures” Plan while the Horley Carnival takes place.
The Route:
12.30pm start
At 12.30pm the Carnival Procession will leave the Victoria Road Car Park via the
Massetts Rd exit. It will take a quick right turn & then turn left into Russells Crescent travelling to the T junction with
Victoria Rd.
Then it will go straight up Victoria Rd through Horley Town Centre reaching the A23 at about 13.00.
1.05pm Arrival at the Recreation Ground
Turning right onto A23 it should enter the Recreation Ground at 13.05, with
the final float entering around 13.20
Temporary road closures on June 15th will be as follows:
Massetts Rd. between junction with Russells Crescent and Town Centre will be
closed 12.30pm to approximately 12.45pm.
Russells Crescent from junction with Massetts Rd, to junction with Victoria Rd.
closed 12.30pm until approximately 12.55pm
In parts, Victoria Rd. from junction with Russells Crescent to A23 Closed
12.40pm through to 13.15pm.
The A23 from crossroads with Victoria Rd. and Hevers Ave. potentially closed 13.00
until 13.30.
All side roads along route will also be closed whilst Procession passes.
Whilst every effort is being made to limit the inconvenience, the road closure
plan has to be observed in the interest of health and safety.
We thank you for your understanding and apologise for any inconvenience