Thank You from the Carnival Chair 2024

Horley Carnival

Despite everything the weather could throw at us the carnival was a success due in the support from the Horley community be it parade entries, stall holders or visitors who turned out in great numbers considering the conditions.

As Chairman I have the privilege of leading a team of dedicated volunteers from local organisations
and some who are just individuals who give up many hours of their time not only planning the Carnival but also working on the day in various roles helped by a large number of other volunteers as marshals on the gate, around The Recreation Ground. I have to give a special vote of thanks and recognition of the contribution by Horley Lions who organise and manage the parade. My thanks also to Bob, the town centre caretaker, who keeps the ground free of litter and the bins emptied

Then we have the local businesses that support us by supplying advertising boards and assisting with setting up the ground on the day of the carnival. Others allow us to display posters in their shop windows. Reigate & Banstead Borough Council who make the Victoria Road car park available to assemble the parade and grant the road closure order. Horley Town Council allow us the use of The Recreation Ground and offer support in many other ways to numerous to mention.

The highlight for many is the Parade made possible by the generosity of local transport companies and farmers who give their time and resources freely with the latter providing hay bales for use on the floats whilst one of their number delivers straw bales to sit on whilst enjoying the various events in the arena.

Winners of the Parade:
1st Place Senior Section – The Bull
2nd Place Senior Section – Peak 15
3rd Place Senior Section – Horley Business Guild
1st Place Junior Section – Westvale Primary Academy
2nd Place Junior Section – Horley – 1st & 2nd Beavers
3rd Place Junior Section – Horley Infant School
Most Humorous Entry – Horley Infant School
Best Walking Entry – Redhill Corps of Drums
Best Themed Stall – Raven Housing Trust

To the many organisations who had stalls around the ground to add to the atmosphere on the day. My thanks to each and every one of them for their contributions to make the carnival such a success.

I also appreciate and acknowledge the continuing support of our sponsors led by Gatwick Airport and Surrey County Council.

We will give ourselves a short break before we begin planning for Horley Carnival 2025. Hope to see you there.

Mike George
Carnival Chairman

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